Bouquet 113, Pink Sunshine & the storm

The strange pink sun this morning has similar tones to the rose in bouquet #113, which I’m calling ‘Pink Sunshine.’


You should probably listen to this song by Fuzzbox, called Pink Sunshine, as it’s an appropriate soundtrack for today, and a fun hit from the 80s.

The peculiar pink sunshine is apparently due to dust in the air, whipped up by storm Ophelia, from desert sands and forest fires. My phone camera just about captured the unusual colour. IMG_0591.jpg

The bouquet is in an amphora, Greek-style vase, and includes a passion flower, some honeysuckle, dogwood, verbena, russian vine, japanese anemone, cottage pinks, and a peachy pink rose.


(The rose is from a plant which I got, about 15 years ago at Woolworths, which probably has the highest ‘blooms per buck’ of any rose I ever bought.)

I added in a few rosehips and hawthorn berries to cram in a bit more autumnal colour, and as support for the passion flower.

Russian vine, hawthorn, passion flower, honeysuckle and verbena.
Bouquet 113, Pink Sunshine

I’ll share this with Cathy at Rambling in the Garden, as part of the in a vase on Monday garden meme, where people share what’s looking good in their gardens right now. It’ll also appear in the image gallery, where you can see the other 112 bouquets I’ve made from our garden this year.

As always, I hope your plans and plants are coming along well, and that Storm Ophelia blows over quickly for you.


6 thoughts on “Bouquet 113, Pink Sunshine & the storm

  1. The sun was really strange, wasn’t it? I didn’t think to take a photo though so I am pleased to have seen yours. There will be a lot of leaves around tomorrow but hopefully not too much damage around the country. what an interesting mix you have today – and how bizarre that your best flowering rose is the ancient Woolworths’ one

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! What a spectacular bunch of flowers. Passionflower steals the show, but the others are pretty amazing too. Thank you also for the blast from the past.


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