Cosmos in a vase on Monday

20180909_134148On a sunny Monday, I picked a few stems from the garden and put them in a vase.


The vase was a gift to my husband on his birthday, and it’s beautiful.


It contains cosmos, guara and japanese anemone. The cosmos I grew from seed, and it has been one of the highlights of the new border in front of the greenhouse.


I’ve added foliage from a houseplant, to the vase, which I’m hoping will start to take root.

The stem of umbrella plant that I popped into a vase back in January has certainly rooted and seems quite happy in it’s corner.

It seems like January was a long time ago, and I wonder how long this little stem will survive in its vase of water?

To see more gardeners sharing what’s good ‘In a Vase on Monday’ visit Cathy’s blog.

And I hope that your plans and plants are coming along nicely.

Jen x


3 thoughts on “Cosmos in a vase on Monday

  1. Oh all that cosmos together looks gorgeous – I have hardly picked mine this year, for some reason – and the new vase is such a pretty one. It looks quite slim – is it?


  2. Your new vase is spectacular. I’m always surprised to see Japanese anemones appearing in vases this time of year as these plants don’t bloom in my area of Southern California (if they bloom at all) until much later. In spring many of our plants are faster out of the gate but then it’s all probably due to differences in our prevailing temperatures. Much as I long for fall here, summer will be hanging on for another month or more yet.


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