Six on Saturday in late September: a cottage garden walk through

On Saturday, gardeners around the world share six things from their garden with the Propagotor, who hosts this lovely meme.

Here’s six highlights from my garden this morning.

  1. The planter at the backdoor

    This 3 tiered planter is in a prominent spot, and the first thing you see from the backdoor. So I like to plant it with really bright and jolly flowers that tempt you outside.

    At the moment it contains begonia, cottage pinks, mint and campanula, and has a lovely fragrance. 


  2. To the left, the nasturtiums are the next eye-catcher. They ramble over the old stone wall in a most satisfying manner.

    I planted out nasturtium seeds in late spring and after a very slow start they’ve taken off like rockets.

    Each year I seem to forget that nasturtiums grow like crazy, and so each September it’s a wonderful surprise when they really get going.  I always cram a few too many seeds into the pot, because I love these bright blooms.

    20180929_1004211.jpgIt’s a bonus that the leaves make a tasty salad – they’re peppery and tender (best harvested when small) and the flowers are edible as well as beautiful. Even the seeds are edible, they’re like a super spicy green chickpea.

  3. Honeysuckle

    The nasturtiums meet the honeysuckle, which rambles across most of the rest of this wall. The bees love this flower and so do I.

    The back wall, and ‘Green Brando’ 

    Our tour continues, turning right into the garden, past the ‘Green Brando’ and into the garden proper, where the sunlight catches the laundry and the wheelbarrow full of compost is on display. 20180929_1005511

  4. My next highlight is the yellow rose in the ‘new’ border.
    This rose was just £1.99 at the supermarket, and I planted in the ground in May. It finally bloomed again this week, and was well worth waiting for.
Yellow rose
Yellow rose, with bacopa and begonia.

5. Next highlight is the ‘galaxy garden’

Here is picture of this area in full sun from earlier this week. My husband designed the willow archway and we wove it together this spring. It creates a ‘garden room’ which we’ve called the galaxy garden.


We’d initially planted a scheme with yellow and white roses, orange crocosmia, and white lobelia, with purple hued foliage, that we wanted to represent fire.

But the roses haven’t bloomed here, perhaps due to the peculiar summer, or perhaps they’re too crammed in, or perhaps it’s too shady behind the willow screen.

But I do love what has emerged, as this area revealed itself as the ‘galaxy garden,’ with purple foliage and little white flowers.

I love the heuchera obsidian, which has wonderful deep purple leaves and sparkly pale pink star shaped blooms, the red leaved acer and white lobelia, the delicate nemisia and purple leaved hebe, which gives this area it’s galactic feel, reflecting the colours of the night sky.

Our galaxy garden is a bit overgrown, but nature tends towards entropy.  🙂

6. Finally, our tour takes us up the steps to the mini orchard at the bottom of the garden. Here the apple and quince trees are heavy with fruit.


We finish at the raspberry pathway with the willow beanpole. And because I can’t stop at six, here’s a few more snaps from this morning…

If you’d like to have a snoop around other gardens, please visit the Propagator’s blog and see what people are sharing for this week’s Six on Saturday.






12 thoughts on “Six on Saturday in late September: a cottage garden walk through

  1. I think I need a Green Brando or something similar in my garden. I think the added features is what really make a garden. My neighbor had a “head” in her front garden and every time my dog and I walked past, it she would growl at it!


    1. Thank you Candyluck lady. I love to add bits and bobs to the garden, and over the years a have amassed quite a collection and been gifted a few lovely things. Anything that can catch the wind or reflect the sun seems to enhance the garden.

      The Brando deathmask was a gift from a friend who works in costume design. As indoor decor it spooked visitors, but with the wicker halo and trellis base it’s a bit less scary.

      I do kind of expect him to open his eyes one day though…. 👻

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the willow structure as well, but you’ve got a lot going on in your garden still. The planter in the first photo is really well done. And who doesn’t love nasturtium? Someone, probably, but it’s such a good flower for low maintenance, good coverage, self seeding. An your rose was definitely worth waiting for.


    1. Thanks Lora. I am quite a lazy gardener and good coverage low maintenance is very much my bag! When I see a plant growing like a weed in a neighbours garden, I add it to my mental list of easy going colourful plants. My ideal garden would be largely self seeded and require zero weeding!

      Just five minutes sowing 2 packets of seeds was all it took to get that wall blooming. And easy planting leaves a bit more time for mucking about with willow. 🙂


  3. tee hee . . . nasturtiums and honeysuckle! I know honeysuckle can get a bit aggressive, and nasturtiums can get weedy, but both are rad. There are never too many nasturtiums.


    1. Thanks Tony! I love the wild look of masses of honeysuckle and nasturtium together. It’s easy and impactful and I’ve had something similar in my last few gardens because it’s quick and cheap and cheerful 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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